We want to make sure you get full credit on items that you return. Please make sure the return is in the same condition that you would expect to receive it from us if you were buying it. As a general guideline, products must be returned in resalable condition with the original packaging. It is not necessary that you re-tape the product packaging.
Examples of products not meeting this condition would include:
• Products with writing on the manufacturer’s carton. (Use Post-it Notes instead)
• Products with packaging that has been carelessly opened and/or repacked, whereby the original manufacturer’s carton has been damaged.
• Products with packages that have been torn, ripped and/or cut, especially Inkjet or toner cartridges.
NOTE: Food items, and items that are “special ordered” are not returnable – this is the policy of all of our vendors and suppliers.
We will gladly accept returned products that meet the above criteria as well as products that are defective or damaged for full credit up to 30 days from the invoice date when accompanied by a copy of the original invoice. Non-defective or damaged product returned after 30 days will incur restocking fees:
30-60 days – 15% restocking fee
60-90 days – 25% restocking fee
Restocking fees are percentages of the original price you paid.
Credit cannot be given for any products returned after 90 days from the date of invoice. If you have any questions about our policy, please don’t hesitate to contact your sales or customer service representative.
Thanks for your cooperation, and as always- thank you for your continued business!